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Saturday, 23 October 2010

Next Club Day: International Open

The next home club day for Cardiff Table Football will be the International Open on the 13th November.
All Saints Church Hall, Rhys St, Trealaw, Rhondda, CF40.
We already have a good number of players signed up and a team event is also planned for the day.
So whether you want to enter as an individual or as a team, get your names in to us at the email address on the top of this page as soon as possible.
And remember, the last date to receive your free cuppa and a cake is the 30th October so you have one week left to take advantage of this wonderful offer.

Saturday, 9 October 2010

More news about the International Open, 13th Nov

To make it easier for us to keep costs down and provide a better service, we would like as many people who are planning to attend to register as early as possible.
All entries received via email before October 30th will receive a free cup of tea/coffee and a cake.
These will be available to purchase on the day but who doesn't like free cake?

Coming Soon: Cardiff Table Football cases

We are currently finalising our carry cases, these can be made to order and will have the interior decoration of your choice, layout can be for one team, two teams or three and can be arranged in a number of ways.
We've had a look at some carry cases already on the market and have managed to replicate them at a better price than you'll find from many other retailers.

Email us for more details.

Next Club Day: 23rd Oct

Our next club meeting will be the 23rd October.  Again at All Saints church hall at 10:00.
All tables were full this week so get there early to get the most games in.